Unexpected Encounters

The event series on collaboration and climate change!

Unexpected encounters

How do we feel, talk, see, embody and agree on climate change?

Foundation We AreSocial Design Showdown and Pakhuis de Zwijger will host a series of talks as part of this design research programme. During these events we invite various inspiring speakers who work in different domains to set up unexpected encounters to find out how to make sense of climate change and find ways to work together. During this first episode, we will invite psychologists, scientists and activists to talk about what they feel when it comes to climate change. How do we begin to interpret climate change and what position can we take? How does it feel? How do we want to feel? How should we feel?

upcoming events

Unexpected Encounters #5

Date: 11 June, 2024 | 19:30-21:30
Location: Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam

Get your ticket!

How do we make agreements on climate change?

In this final encounter, policymakers, politicians, and diplomats are invited to discuss agreements on climate change. The dialogue aims to understand the intersections of governance and environmental responsibility, focusing on the potential of collaborative agreements. Participants will explore how international policies address climate change mitigation and adaptation to new conditions. The discussion will cover necessary diplomatic strategies and agreements for navigating global climate challenges, providing insights into effective responses and actions.

Past events